3 Reasons No-Code Has Exploded In Popularity Over The Past Year


If you’re not familiar with the term “no-code,” it refers to the movement of building software without writing a single line of code. In other words, it’s about using pre-built software components to create something new, without needing to know how to code.

No-code platforms have been around for a while, but they’ve only recently begun to gain mainstream attention. And there are a few reasons for this. First, no-code tools have become more powerful and easy-to-use. Second, the people who are using no-code platforms are becoming more visible thanks to social media. And third, there’s a growing belief that anyone can build something amazing without knowing how to code.

Let’s take a closer look at each of these reasons in turn.

Reason #1: No-Code Tools Have Gotten More Powerful and Easy-to-Use

In the early days of no-code, the tools were very limited. You could build simple websites and landing pages, but that was about it. Today, however, the no-code ecosystem has exploded. There are now dozens of different no-code platforms that allow you to build everything from complex web applications to mobile apps to chatbots.

What’s more, these tools have gotten much easier to use. Whereas in the past you needed some technical knowledge just to get started, now anyone can pick up a no-code platform and start building something amazing with little to no prior experience.

Reason #2: The People Who Use No-Code Platforms Are Becoming More Visible Thanks to Social Media

If you want proof that no-code is taking over the world, just look at social media. A quick search on Twitter or Instagram will reveal a growing community of makers, builders, and creators who are using no-code platforms to build everything from businesses to products to side projects.

And this visibility is having a snowball effect. As more and more people see what’s possible with no-code, they’re inspired to give it a try themselves. This is leading to an influx of new people into the no-code community which is only accelerating its growth.

Reason #3: There’s a Growing Belief That Anyone Can Build Something Amazing Without Knowing How to Code

Perhaps the most important reason for no-code’s recent surge in popularity is the growing belief that anyone can build something amazing without knowing how to code—and this belief is quickly becoming a self-fulfilling prophecy.

A few years ago, the idea that someone could launch a successful business without knowing how to code would have been laughable. But today there are countless examples of people who have done just that—and they’re inspiring others to follow in their footsteps. As more and more non-technical people begin to see what’s possible with no-code, the movement will only continue to grow in strength and momentum.


No matter how you look at it, there’s no denying that no-code is taking over the world. Thanks to a perfect storm of factors—more powerful and easy-to-use tools; increased visibility thanks to social media; and a growing belief that anyone can build something amazing without knowing how to code—the no-code movement is gathering steam at an unprecedented rate. So if you haven’t jumped on the bandwagon yet, now is the time!